
How To Link A Blog Page In Libguides

You have the option of using the Resource Recommender or Discovery Import Profiles.

Information on importing records using Resource Recommender can be found in Ex Libris' knowledgebase.

Some guidelines on how to use Discovery Import Profiles can be found on the developer's network and in the information below:

Libguides Integration in Primo VE

Updated 2/21/2019  by Heidi Webb and Michelle Eichelberger


Setting up a Discovery Import Profile.



Normalization Rules.

Tip: add new rules to IZ rather than NZ.

Add a New Rule.

Add a Normalization Process Task.

Create LibGuides scope for searching

Creating a Local Resource Type for LibGuides

Note: Much of this is based on information found in the developer's network:

Setting up a Discovery Import Profile

Configuration –> Discovery –> Discovery Import Profiles

Click Add New Profile:

New import profile

Choose "Discovery" as your Profile Type and click Next.

First page: Fill out Details

  • Profile Name = whatever you'd like, eg. LibGuides
  • Data Source Code = LIBGUIDES
  • Originating System = Other
  • Import Protocol = OAI
  • Source Format = Dublin Core
  • Data Source Label = whatever you'd like, eg. Library Research Guides

Import Profile Details

Scroll down and fill out the OAI details:

OAI details

You can find your OAI Base URL in LibGuides. Log into LibGuides, click on Tools in the header, click on Data Exports, and click on the OAI-PMH tab to get your URL. For example, Upstate's OAI Base URL is

Once you've added your OAI Base URL, click Connect and Edit. This should connect to LibGuides and pull in the rest of your OAI Details, like Repository Name, set, etc. You can choose to import all of your guides or a subset, and you can choose to Open Test Page to check your settings (note: if you have LibGuides CMS this test may not work but your import will still work).

OAI Details

Click Next

Second Page: Normalization: Click Next (If you already have one setup, add it now, or you can come back and add it later. We'll go over set-up below.)

Third Page: Delivery: In Link to Resource

  • Template = $$LinkingParameter1
  • Link Label = (what you want displayed in Primo)

Linking Parameters

  • Edit linkingparameter1 by click on the three dots on the right

Linking Parameters

  • Click the Bullet list and choose dc_identifier without an Encoding Schema
  • Select Matching string using a regular expression in Use Source Tag
  • Enter the Matching String = ^(?:http(s)?:\/\/).*

Edit Linking Parameter 1

Click Save and then Save again.

Running the job: From your list of Import Profiles, click on the three dots for the LibGuides Profile and select Run, and then Submit

Run Import Profile

You'll get taken to the Job History

You can click refresh until the job finishes.

You can see reports by clicking the 3 dots

This will show how many records were added and/or updated.

It may take 10 min to several hours to see the results in Primo.


If you are happy with the results, schedule the import profile to run daily:

Edit your Import Profile

Under scheduling: select Active and choose a time under Scheduler

Click Save

Import Scheduling


Examples of how the imported content will show in Primo VE.

No Normalization:

No normalization

Example of guide with normalization on resource type:


Normalization Rules

For more details on how to do normalization rules:

Go to MD Editor in Discovery Configuration Area: Normalization rules for External Data sources

Tip: add new rules to IZ rather than NZ

File -> Options

Select Local to place new rules:

Local rule

Click save

Add a New Rule

File –> New->Normalization Rules (DC)

Normalization Rules

Give it a name and description

LibGuides rule

The following is suggested to change the "Other" resource type to "text_resource"

rule "create type"
set "text_resources" in "discovery"."resourceType"

Click Save

You can also test with a test record

After you test:  To Enable: Click your rule -> click Properties

Rule Properties

Select Enabled

Click Save

Rule Enabled

Add a Normalization Process Task

Steps for Add Task

Then Edit original Discovery Import Profile and add the Normalization Rule:

Add Norm Rule

If you want to go back and edit/rerun your import profile make sure to reconnect (Connect and Edit button) and update the Harvest Start Date back to the earliest date stamp:

Connect and Edit

Lynn notes: "As the profile has been run before, the harvest start date will be from the last run and you may not be getting all of the records. Also note that if you have to change linking parameters, you don't have to delete/reload the repository - you can change them in the import profile and see the changes immediately."

Create LibGuides content for scope:

Nancy Babb asked: "I added our LibGuides as an external collection and can find them in Primo VE. I'd now like to try out a separate search profile for them.  The documentation "SUNY Loading External Data Sources / Digital Repositories" notes the following steps:

Can also add it as separate search profile:
a. Discovery > Search Profiles > Custom Local Data Scopes (use search index = Available Digital as the condition)
b. Discovery > Search Profiles > Search Profiles
c. Discovery > Configure Views > Search Profile Slots

But the local data scope I create using only "available digital" presents our Digital Commons content.
Is there a way I can specify the LibGuides content for a scope?"

Lynn answered: "Yes - the documentation has been revised to use search index = External Data Source as the condition.  This will allow you to pick a specific repository. See SUNY Digital Repositories document."

Check out Rebecca Nous's document about how to Create a Local Resource Type for LibGuides (document below)

How To Link A Blog Page In Libguides


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