
SEO Peddlers See Value in Google’s +1

Search engine optimization companies have started targeting Google's +1 feature–you sack now pay companies to "+1" your website.

SEO companies, such as SEO Shop, are now offering packages of Google +1's. SEO Shop sells its +1's at, where you can purchase 50 +1's for $10, 250 +1's for $30, and 2,000 +1's for $170. SEO Give away has, naturally, gone to great lengths to conceal its activities from Google itself.

This isn't the first sentence we've detected of companies "selling social." In the past, we've seen companies that have oversubscribed packages of Facebook friends and Twitter followers–for a price, of course.

The Prise of +1

Google's +1 was announced back in March, presumably arsenic a room for the company to combat the ever-present Facebook "Like" button. When users "+1" a website, they are essentially telling their connected friends that they "like" and "urge" that site.

Initially, Google +1's only appeared connected Google itself, but in June the company rolled out the +1 button to the entire Web. This expansion indicates Google could cost ready to utilise +1 data to tweak its rankings–later on completely, it seems plausible that the hunt giant would be interested in staying current with trending topics.

To see you capture what you pay for, SEO Shop says that each of the +1's you buy up come from real mass with substantiated accounts (verified through a manual of arms process). Each +1 also comes from a uncomparable IP address, and +1's are spread out over several days. In other words, Google will have a hard time discerning which +1's are legitimate, and which ones are generated past a troupe such as Plussem.

A Shady Practice

How Plussem gets all of your +1's isn't as well clear. The Atlantic's Alexis Madrigal writes that the outfit is compensable "a ton of very poor people with Internet admittance in developing countries a tiny slash of the money you would have got to spend on traditional marketing." While this is probably speculation, I suppose it's also jolly neighbouring to the truth.

Paying for +1's is besides a rape of Google's +1 policies. Reported to Google's +1 website, "Publishers should not advertize prizes, monies, or monetary equivalents in exchange for +1 Clitoris clicks."

I think information technology's beautiful safe to state that the solitary reason SEO Shop is labor an effort such as this is because of the success of Google+. Before Google+, at that place truly wasn't much of a appreciate in gaming Google's gregarious recommendation system–but immediately, with +1 playing such a significant office in the hottest new social mesh, it's rich. And, of flow, connected top of all that it (might) be socially connected to search relevancy.

Is it kind of scummy that SEO Shop is doing this? You said it, but there is money to be made in getting companies good search placement. The onus now appears along Google to lick methods to detect these false +1's, or the system might end up just like Digg, Reddit, and others, WHO undergo seen alike spam issues with their passport systems.

For more tech tidings and commentary, follow Ed on Twitter at @edoswald and on Facebook.


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